How to Enrol
Welcome to enrolment 2024 - the information hub about how and when you should enrol. We look forward to seeing you soon! There's still time to enrol - pop in any week day from 9am-5pm.
The College
Understanding Our Courses
Welcome to enrolment 2024 - the information hub about how and when you should enrol. We look forward to seeing you soon! There's still time to enrol - pop in any week day from 9am-5pm.
Our Admissions team will write to you with information about how to enrol and when. You can also take a look through our Enrolment Troubleshooting Guide below which answers our most common queries of the enrolment process.
Enrolment is the final stage of the application process to becoming a student at Riseholme College. There's still time to enrol - pop in any week day from 9am-5pm.
Enrolment will confirm your place on a course, the level of course you should take and any fees you may need to pay.
Our Admissions team will write to you with information on how to enrol and when. You can also see more information on how enrolment will work and Induction week in the drop downs below.
If your results are better than you were expecting, not quite what you were hoping for, or if you’ve had a change of heart – don’t worry. On Thursday, 24 August (results day) our staff will be available to talk to you about your options and next steps.
We’ll be sending you an invite to come onto campus and enrol through the post.
When you come on to Campus after completing your Part 1 Enrolment online you will need to bring the following documents:
- Original certificates for all your exams/qualifications taken to date (such as GCSEs)
- Identification (ID) - one form of acceptable ID such as passport, birth certificate/adoption certificate, National Insurance card/letter, Home Office letter, National Identity Card and letter to show EU settlement, UK Naturalisation/Citizenship Certificate, Benefit letter (which states your name), Residence Permit Card, driving licence; plus evidence of any name change (if applicable)
You will need one form of the proof of identity above to be able to collect your College ID Card.
What happens if I can’t make enrolment?
If you are unable to attend the enrolment day specified in your enrolment email, please come on to campus to enrol on either Thursday 22 August 11am - 4pm or from Wednesday 28 August 11am – 4pm.
Please try to attend your scheduled enrolment date as this will be the start of your college journey, there will be important induction activities and you will meet your new tutors and classmates on that day. The above dates should only be used if you are unable to make the date we have offered you for your subject.
It's Not Too Late To Apply and Enrol For September 2024!
Pop in any week day from 9am-5pm.
Click here to find the course for you and follow the instructions on how to apply.
How do I enrol?
Enrolment is a two stage process this year. Full details will be included in the letter you'll receive from our Admissions team.
When do I need to enrol?
In the letter from Admissions we will let you know which day you need to join us on campus for your Enrolment Day.
What do I need to bring with me to enrol?
When you join us on campus for Enrolment Day you'll need to bring the following documents with you:
How will I get to college for Enrolment Day?
The college bus service will be running on Enrolment Day so you can use them to get onto campus. Take a look at our bus route locator and which bus you can access and for the bus times. You will be able to use the bus service on this day without college ID.
If you are arriving by car, please use the College's Main Entrance. We have plenty of free parking on-site.
What if I can't make the date for my Enrolment Day?
There's still time to enrol - pop in any week day from 9am or come to our late night enrolment evenings 5.30-7pm Tuesday 10 and 17 September.
Induction Week will take place in September
Starting on a new chapter of your life is always a bit daunting but we spend the first week helping you to get settled in and feeling at home on campus. The first week of college is known as Induction Week – it’s the official start of your journey with us and your welcome to college life!
What will happen?
On your first day you'll be given your Student ID card (which will also act as your bus pass if you are eligible for free transport) and Learner Agreement. We'll also get you set up with your college email account.
There will be lots of activities to make you feel at home and make friends. We’ll give you the lowdown on where everything is, from classrooms, to the Learning Resource Centre, places to eat and the toilets. You’ll meet the other people on your course and be introduced to your tutors.
Do I need to bring anything with me?
On your first day you'll need to bring ID with you to collect your Student ID. This could be any of the forms listed above in the Enrolment Day requirements.
You can bring a packed lunch with you or if you prefer our food outlet will be open. Don't forget we are a cashless campus so you will need to pay by card.
Please email admissions@bishopburton.ac.uk as soon as possible confirming your acceptance so that we can ensure you receive the correct information for your course.
We’ll be sending an information guide to all parents, carers and next of kin of our new students through the post in the first couple of week in August. This will include an introduction to the college, advice on supporting your young person as they make the transition to Riseholme, information on all the support available and key contacts you may need.
If you do have any queries or concerns before you hear from us in the meantime please contact Admissions on admissions@bishopburton.ac.uk.