Level 2 Land-Based Service Engineering Apprenticeship
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Level 2
Study Mode
2 years
Start Date
Any Time
The course
Start your career as a Land-Based Service Engineer with this apprenticeship. You will work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, knowledge and behaviours within the land-based engineering industry. You will earn a wage and be released to study during your working week.
Your will work on a diverse range of tasks and machinery, this may be agriculture or ground care. You need to a strong work ethic and positive attitude, be able to employ a logical approach to problem solving and aim to improve quality, adapt to different situations, and have the ability to work as part of a team as well as independently. You may have to work irregular hours.
Course Information
- To develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours as required for employment and future career progression within the industry.
- Health and safety
- Identification and application of tools and equipment
- Operating principles of machinery and equipment
- Preparation of new and second-hand machinery
- Pre-inspection of machinery
- Routine servicing and maintenance
- Preparation of equipment for repair, repair and post repair
- Routine machine operation and system testing
- Thermal joining of metals and materials
- Record keeping
You will need appropriate employment in the land-based engineering industry. It is preferable that you have a minimum GCSE grade 3/D in English and Maths.
You will develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours through theory and practical-based lessons
You will be released from work one day per week to undertake training at the college.
- Stationery such as pens and paper
- An electronic device to access online learning, i.e. a laptop
- Steel toe-capped boots and overalls for practical sessions