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Level 2
Study Mode
1.5 - 2 years
Start Date
Any Time
The course
Start your career as a Sports Turf Operative with this apprenticeship. You will have a job and earn a whilst, whilst building up knowledge and skills within the horticulture industry.
This apprenticeship is recognised by the Grounds Management Association, the Professional Body for Sports Turf Operatives and others working in the grounds care industry. Upon achievement of this apprenticeship you will be eligible to join the IOG register of Turf Management Professionals.
Course Information
- To develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours as required for employment and future career progression within the industry.
- How to identify and use the correct materials, tools and equipment for grounds keeping
- How to monitor, record and report findings
- Environmental, and health and safety law and regulations
- An understanding of different types of surface and problems associated with them
- How to minimise waste and reduce environmental impacts
You will need appropriate employment within the sports turf sector. It is preferable candidates have a minimum GCSE grade 3/D in English and Maths.
You will develop knowledge, skills and behaviours through theory and practical-based lessons.
You will be released from work one day per week to undertake training at college.
- Stationery such as pens and paper
- An electronic device to access online learning, i.e. a laptop
- Boots, heavy duty gloves and appropriate outdoor wear for practical sessions