How to Enrol
Welcome to the enrolment hub for Higher Education at Riseholme. You can find everything you need to know about enrolment here. We can't wait to welcome you onto campus!
Before you can start your studies at UCBB you will need to enrol.
Our Admissions team will write to you with full details on how to enrol and when. We've also added information on how enrolment will work in the drop downs below.
*If you have applied and been offered a place to start this September and haven't received a letter from us about enrolment please contact our Admissions team by emailing admissions@riseholme.ac.uk or call 01964 553000*
Quick Q& A about enrolment
Here are a few quick questions we get asked a lot.
What if I don’t get the results I was expecting?
If your results are better than you were expecting, not quite what you were hoping for, or if you've had a change of heart - don't worry. On Thursday 17 August (results day) our staff will be available to talk to you about your options and next steps.
When do I enrol?
We’ll be sending you a letter detailing how to enrol. Enrolment will be taking place online.
I am a returning student, can I use my current UCBB log in to enrol?
No - your enrolment user account is different to your usual UCBB log in. An account must be created to access your pre-enrolment form, using the same email address your enrolment link has been sent to.
It's not too late to apply and enrol For September 2024!
If you've had a change of heart about what you'd like to study in September you can still make an application to join us at UCBB via Clearing.
Click here to make a Clearing application